

Aquí encontrará el archivo de las newsletters de THERMOS publicadas previamente.

Issue # 1 | July 2017

Issue # 2 | October 2017

Issue # 3 | April 2018

Issue # 4 | November 2018

Issue # 5 | July 2019

Issue # 6 | September 2019

Issue # 8 | July 2020

¡Suscríbase a nuestra newsletter!*:


* By providing your details you agree to receive the THERMOS e-newsletter and occasional other communications about THERMOS projects or activities. This contains information about ongoing activities and events taking place as part of the THERMOS project.
We will never sell your data, or pass it on to anyone else, but we will share it with Mailchimp, the company who provide our mailing software. They will only use it for the purpose of sending you our email. You can read more about how they will use your data here.

You can unsubscribe, ask us to update your details or stop using your information at any time by contacting us at

We will keep your details for up to 6 months after the end of the THERMOS project. Your consent will form the lawful basis of our processing of your data.

You won't be subscribed if you don't click the confirmation link in the confirmation e-mail we will send you after submitting your details in the form below.

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