Relaterede projekter
Nedenfor er et overblik over nogle af de projekter, der er relateret til THERMOS. Vi er altid på udkig efter nye gensidigt fordelagtige partnerskaber. Har du nogle forslag er du velkommen til at kontakte os.
Heat Roadmap Europe: The Heat Roadmap Europe project is mapping and modelling the heating and energy systems of the 14 largest users of heat in the EU, to develop new policies at the local, national, and EU level to ensure the uptake of efficient, sustainable, and affordable heating and cooling solutions. These 14 countries cover 85-90% of the heating and cooling demands in Europe!
GrowSmarter: GrowSmarter brings together cities and industry to integrate and demonstrate ‘12 smart city solutions’ in energy, infrastructure, and transport, as well as provide other cities with valuable insights on how they work in practice and opportunities for replication. The idea is to create a ready market for these smart solutions to support growth and the transition to a smart, sustainable Europe.
CELSIUS: The four-year project is coordinated by the City of Gothenburg and presents best-practice solutions in the area of smart district heating and cooling by taking a holistic approach to overcome technical, social, political, administrative, legal, and economic barriers.
PLANHEAT: PLANHEAT’s main objective is to develop and validate in real case scenarios an integrated and easy-to-use tool, which supports local authorities in selecting, simulating, and comparing alternative low-carbon and economically sustainable scenarios for heating and cooling.
HotMaps: The project aims at designing a toolbox to support public authorities, energy agencies, and urban planners in strategic heating and cooling planning on local, regional, and national levels, and in line with EU policies.
CoolHeating: The objective of CoolHeating is to support the implementation of "small modular renewable heating and cooling grids" for communities in South-Eastern Europe. CoolHeating transfers knowledge from partners in countries where renewable district heating and cooling examples exist to countries where there are less examples in the sector.
Mayors in Action: The Mayors in Action project, co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe 2013 Programme, focuses on Coordinators & Supporters of the Covenant of Mayors to foster and empower them in selecting, adapting, and channeling good practices for the implementation and monitoring of existing SEAPs.
50000&1 SEAPs: The 50000&1 SEAPs project provides a coherent approach to integrating Energy Management Systems (EnMS) with Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) according to energy management standards such as ISO50001.