Pagina de presă
Acoperirea media a proiectului THERMOS. Derulați în jos pentru a găsi știri despre proiect în limbă dvs.
If you would like any more information or have specific questions, please get in touch with us.
- Alexandra Pfohl, THERMOS Communication contact, ICLEI Europe at or +49 761 368 920
- Martin Holley, Senior Technical Project Manager, Centre for Sustainable Energy at or +44 117 934 1400
Press Kit
Press releases
17.06.2019 (English)
New software for rapid, simple and cost-efficient thermal network planning
10.12.2018 (Romanian)
Proiect THERMOS: Alba Iulia contribuie la dezvoltarea unei platforme de evaluare a eficienţei energetice a clădirilor
26.04.2017 (Catalan)
Els participants del projecte europeu THERMOS es troben a Granollers
[Project participants of the European THERMOS project meet in Granollers]
21.10.2016 (German)
Städtische Wärmeversorgung: EU-Projekt THERMOS gestartet
[Municipal heat supply: THERMOS project kicks off]
14.10.2016 (Catalan)
Granollers rep 377.000 euros de fons europeus per desenvolupar projectes ambientals
[Granollers receives 377,000 € European funds to develop environmental projects]
Press mentions
Article: Open-source software to support low-carbon district energy network planning (English)
27.01.2020,, EU
Article: Effizient: Wärme-Netze digital planen (German)
Nov 2019, Transition. Das Energiemagazin der Dena, p.33
Article: Entra en THERMOS: Madrid Nuevo Norte apuesta el desarrollo de la energía sostenible (Spanish) 28.11.2019, Expansión España, Rebeca Arroyo.
Article: Heat Network Planning in the EU: Making it Rapid, Simple, Cost-Effective (English)
15.10.2019, T&D World, global
Article: Rapid, simple and cost-efficient district heating network planning (English)
Fall 2018, Hot l Cool - International magazine on district heating and cooling (3/2018)
Video: THERMOS software presentation and partner meeting in Jelgava.
27.06.2018, Latvijas Reģionu Televīzija
Article: THERMOS to launch the alpha version of its thermal energy planning software (English)
Pe 27 iunie se lansează versiunea alfa a programului THERMOS de planificare a energiei termice (Romanian)
21.06.18,, RO
Article: Proyecto THERMOS. Vamos a reducir los costes de planificación de las redes de calor (Spanish)
30.11.17, Ciudad sostenible 32, ES
Article: Free tools and data for heat network planning are coming soon (Turkish)
Fall 2017, CSR Turkey Magazine, TR
Article: Coming soon: free tools and data for heat network planning (English)
01.10.17, Energy Manager Magazine, UK
Article: Programmatūra atvieglos siltumapgādes plānošanu (Latvian)
22.08.17, Jelgava Vestenesis, Latvia
Article: Trobada a Granollers dels socis europeus que participen en un pla per fer xarxes per reaprofitar calor residual (Catalan)
28.04.2017, El 9 Nou, Spain
Article: EU-Projekt THERMOS für emissionsarme städtische Wärmeversorgung gestartet (German)
21.10.2016, Berliner ImpulsE, Germany
Article: EU-Projekt THERMOS am Start (German)
31.10.2016, Stadt+Werk, Germany
Article: Granollers rep fons europeus per a projectes ambientals (Catalan)
20.10.2016, Punt Valles, Spain
Article: Granollers participarà en dos nous projectes ambientals europeus amb una inversió de 377.000 euro (Catalan)
19.10.2016, El 9 Nou, Spain
TV Highlights
THERMOS Energy Planning Software - First Presentation (Latvian, English)
Latvijas Reģionu Televīzija followed the THERMOS partner meeting in Jelgava, Latvia, providing a glance at the THERMOS software presented for the first time to participants.
Granollers acull una trobada del projecte Thermos (Catalan)
Vallès Oriental Televisió (VOTV) followed the THERMOS project and meeting in THERMOS partner city Granollers, Spain.