THERMOS Group of Ambassadors
The THERMOS Interest and Ambassador Group is a group of likeminded, exemplary strategic stakeholder organisations that supported the roll-out and adoption of the THERMOS model during the THERMOS project.
Ambassadors used and promoted the benefits of the THERMOS tools among their peers and recruited THERMOS Training participants from their institutions and beyond to apply and test the tool.
See the full list of THERMOS Ambassadors here and download an overview of the role Ambassadors played in the project and software development here.
Want to become an Ambassador?
The THERMOS project may have ended, but cities, energy agencies, public and private utilities and other relevant stakeholders still interested in supporting the use and dissemination of the THERMOS tools and software can become an Ambassador by expressing their interest in filling in the online sign up form. After having completed the form, potential Ambassadors will be contacted by THERMOS partners. Special tool access may be provided depending on the level of involvement.
For more information please contact:
THERMOS Ambassadors
COGEN Europe, the European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration, is the cross-sectoral voice of the cogeneration industry. Its mission is to work with EU institutions and stakeholders to shape better policies and eliminate administrative, regulatory and market barriers to the wider use of cogeneration in Europe. The cogeneration sector is committed to the creation of a resilient, decentralised and carbon neutral European energy system by 2050, empowering European citizens and industry to generate their own efficient, reliable and affordable clean heat and power locally.

Ayuntamiento de Murcia, Murcia is with ≈450K inhabitants the 7th largest city of Spain, and capital of the Murcia Region located in the southeast of the Iberia peninsula. Murcia has its own Municipal Energy Agency (ALEM) and is looking back on a long track record of actively engaging in climate change mitigation actions and beyond. As such, Murcia is not only a signatory to the Paris Agreement, the Covenant of Mayors and the Basque Charter, among others, but is also regularly engaged in H2020 and Life projects on energy consumption reduction, emissions reductions, air quality, zero emissions buildings, recovery of green spaces, water saving, etc.

The Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP) is an intermunicipal entity (a legal entity governed by public law of the local authorities provided for in Law 75/2013 of 12 September), and is fostering cooperation between municipalities. The AMP is a catalyst of broad institutional networks, whose importance for regional affirmation is of particular relevance. Its main tasks include promoting the planning and management of the economic, cultural, social and environmental development strategy of the territory concerned; the articulation of municipal investments of intermunicipal interest; participation in the management of regional development support programs and the planning of actions associated with public entities, of a supra-municipal nature. The Metropolitan Area currently corresponds to a NUT III and comprises 17 municipalities.
The IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power, deals with the design, performance and operation of distribution systems and consumer installations. The Agreement is dedicated to helping to make district heating and cooling and combined heat and power powerful tools for energy conservation and the reduction of environmental impacts of supplying heat.

The Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH) is Denmark’s leading district heating export organisation. Its mission is to promote district energy for a sustainable city transformation. DBDH represents the leading actors of the district energy sector with the aim to identify, inform and facilitate partnerships between their members and partners in more than 70 countries.

The Eurométropole de Strasbourg, local council and authority for the organisation of energy, is creating tools to reach the ambitious goal of 100% renewable energy in 2050, by increasing renewables production and drastically cutting carbon emissions. An important part of the strategy is the deployment of district heating: updating the existing infrastructure, expanding to new areas and switching from mainly fossil fuels to renewables (heat recovery and deep geothermal in particular). The "mission energie" has three engineers focused on DH, who hope to gain new skills and identify new potential projects through participation in the thermos ambassador group.

Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA, is the responsible organisation for sustainable energy development in Alba County (Romania); at national level ALEA assume the role of a supporter to the Romanian Covenant of Mayors (CoM) signatories. Currently ALEA is also involved in helping Romanian citizens and local authorities with the energy transition.

EGEC, the European Geothermal Energy Council, is a non-profit international organisation founded in 1998 to promote the European geothermal industry and enable its development both in Europe and worldwide, by shaping policy, improving business condition, and driving more research and development. Based in Brussels, EGEC works with its members on policy, market intelligence, and communication, providing a link between the industry and European institutions. EGEC has more than 120 members from 28 countries, including developers, equipment manufacturers, electricity providers, national associations, consultants, research centres, geological surveys, and public authorities.

RTU is the only polytechnical university in Latvia and the largest university in the country with almost 15 000 students. RTU is focused on becoming a third generation university providing high quality education, with advanced research and innovation and technology transfer. RTU's nine faculties offer amongst others engineering, social sciences and humanities. The objective of the RTU ICT research platform is to deliver multi-faculty and interdisciplinary research of significance for the national economy and society.
The Bristol City Council Energy Service Department, is responsible for the development of heat networks within Bristol in support of the Council's (responsible for the Bristol Area) objective to reach carbon neutrality.

The Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (IWC), the main centre of wood science in Latvia, founded in 1946, is an independent state non-profit organisation under supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia. The mission of the IWC is the development of scientifically grounded, environmentally friendly, wasteless technologies for obtaining competitive material and products from wood and wood biomass. The vision of the IWC is a science-based, sustainable utilization of Latvia‘s wood resources for economic, social and environmental benefits.
The Province of Treviso is a local government, positioned between Regions and Cities (NUTS 3, according to Eurostat classification). The Province is in charge of three main areas of interest: construction, operation and maintenance of roads, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings for the upper secondary education, and environmental pollution control. In the field of school buildings, the Province of Treviso is developing methodologies and deployed strategies for the improvement of energy efficiency, including both technological Investments and users involvement actions.

ADHAC, the Business Association of District Heating and Cooling, is a Spanish national association composed of the leading companies in the district heating and cooling sector promoting district energy solutions in urban areas for heating systems, air conditioning and hot water. ADHAC is organising working meetings with several government departments at national and regional level, e.g. with the Ministry of Energy, IDAE (Spanish Institute for Energy Efficiency), Catalan Institute for Energy, Industry and Energy Department of Madrid Region, the City Hall of Madrid and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities. Furthermore it is developing the new Spanish Certification of Energy Efficiency Providers in collaboration with UNE (Spanish Association of Standardization), and engaged in Spanish and European legal initiatives to promote DHC network solutions. ADHAC is presenting the monitoring results of DH&C in Spain annually with IDAE (Spanish Institute for Energy Efficiency).

Distrito Castellana Norte (DCN) is the responsible organisation for developing Madrid Nuevo Norte, the urban regeneration project in the north of Madrid. As the main private partner of the project, led by Madrid City Council, DCN is working on the regeneration of the northern area of Madrid applying state-of-the-art best practices in responsible, sustainable urban planning with a positive impact on the city and its residents.
Madrid Nuevo Norte comprises 2,357,443 m2 of land, creating 1,048,535 m2 of buildable gross floor area for residential construction and 1,608,778 m2 for tertiary purposes. The project will close the significant gap separating local areas in the north, and create a new sustainable city model, structured around green areas and an extensive public transport network, including the total renovation of the Chamartín railway station.

Applied Energy provide services in the area of 'Buildings', 'Water', 'Sustainability' while taking a holistic approach to formulating solutions and bringing the three areas together. Applied Energy is a global specialist in the area of using the abundant free heat capacity available within a city's wastewater network for heating and/or cooling of commercial buildings or for district energy systems. Applied energy experts develop solutions for heating, cooling & ventilating buildings well,using water resources efficiently, treating wastewater for discharge to the environment or for reuse and for using wastewater as a thermal source for heating & cooling buildings.

Manergy is a group of engineering consulting companies specialised in thermal energy use, District Heating and Cooling, and renewable heat developing solutions for public and private entities. Engineering of district heating networks is a key areas of expertise of Manergy. Manergy expert consltants offer technical, financial, economical, strategical and contractual expertise for project development.

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Goettingen (HAWK) is a German state university in Lower Saxony. The university combines six faculties in the three cities of Hildesheim, Holzminden and Göttingen. Due to its close cooperation with regional and national partners in teaching and research, as well as with regional companies, and its strong interdisciplinary orientation, the university has a strong practical orientation.
One of HAWK’s research priorities is on sustainable production and use of biogenic raw materials, which includes a dedicated research group for "Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technology". The group focuses on applied research and development in the field of energy technology and process engineering, efficiency of energy supply systems, decarbonisation of district heating systems and integration of RES, optimisation and integration of thermal storages, modelling and simulation of district heating systems as well as life cycle analysis, sustainability and energy and climate protection management.

The University of Applied Sciences Münster (FH Münster ) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany. With the 45-member research team at the Faculty of Energy · Building Services · Environmental Engineering, research projects have been carried out for more than 20 years that deal, among other things, with the central issues of future energy supply. In the German-Dutch INTERREG project "Task Force Wärmewende" (Task Force Heat Transition) and its predecessor project "WiEfm", the Münster University of Applied Sciences addresses the challenges of a collective, sustainable heat supply in the German-Dutch border region as the lead partner. This is done e.g., by providing heat vouchers, organising expert workshops and presentations, incorporating modern forms of communication and visualisation ("Heat Transition 3D") and developing an interactive heat map to initiate and support renewable heat supply projects.