THERMOS Software Access

Access the THERMOS software* by clicking on the logo to start optimising your DHC planning and results:

As a result of the high interest in the software during the THERMOS project time, THERMOS partners agreed on a Software as a Service (SaaS) scheme to continue maintaining, developing and rolling-out the software among key beneficiaries and to provide and expand technical support and services to users interested in professional use of THERMOS.

The tool version available under: is maintained according to user feedback, trends & needs in the DHC sector and subject to limitations for free accounts. Personalised planning support & services, as well as unlimited map capacities will be made available for THERMOS users subscribing for a premium version. Detailed information will be made available when login in to the tool upon availability.

Open-source code

THERMOS has been developed by the EU funded THERMOS project. The version developed by the end of the project (version 8) is available freely in form of an open-source code. The open-source code is available for use and further development for everyone interested in setting it up on their own server. This version is not subject to updates and service models mentioned above by the THERMOS partners.

Download the open-source code for THERMOS version 8 here.

If you use this public THERMOS system in your work, academic or commercial, you must include this citation:

This work includes results from the THERMOS heat network model (https://www.thermos-project.<wbr />eu). For more information about THERMOS contact the Centre for Sustainable Energy (


Key functions of THERMOS

THERMOS main features of version 8 (available as a source code) and its follow up versions operated by THERMOS partners include:

  • a network optimisation model to optimise supply for identifying a cost-optimal (or near-optimal) network design by allowing users to e.g. take into account energy output or cost over time through varying demand profiles and different tariffs;
  • OpenStreetMap for quick and easy map creation and analysis or the possibility to upload own GIS data;
  • heat and cold map creation tool;
  • demand estimation method operating with limited data inputs in any location;
  • representation of variable pipe and dig costs (by pipe diameter), and network heat losses to the ground;
  • incorporation of capital costs for plant, pipes and connection, set against revenues from heat sales and monetised emissions;
  • interoperability with GIS formats, for model results and heat map export;
  • nearly comprehensive documentation of data requirements and model operation;
  • Network supply model, which can model heat supply in more detail.

Full list of functions and updates can be found here.

Get started with THERMOS

Full training package with step-by-step video tutorials and get started exercises are available here.