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Publikacje stworzone w ramach projektu THERMOS.
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Program szkoleniowy dla instruktorów THERMOS

Program szkoleniowy i budowanie potencjału w ramach projektu THERMOS zostały zaprojektowane z myślą nie tylko w celu zwiększenia wiedzy o ciepłownictwie, finansowaniu i procesie angażowania interesariuszy, ale także w celu wykorzystania tych materiałów przez dostępnych specjalistów,
którzy będą szkolili trenerów z zakresu omawianej tematyki.

Z dostępnymi materiałami możesz zapoznać się tutaj:

  1. Moduł 0: Wprowadzenie do programu budowania potencjału i programu szkoleniowego
  2. Moduł 1: Struktura wytwarzania i zapotrzebowania energii w Europie
  3. Moduł 2: Mapowanie i modelowanie systemu energetycznego przy użyciu narzędzia THERMOS
  4. Moduł 3: Wdrażanie THERMOS w Twoim mieście
  5. Moduł 4: Optymalizacja planowania zaopatrzenia w ciepło, zasoby i technologie przy użyciu oprogramowania THERMOS
  6. Moduł 5: Rynek i finansowanie ogrzewania i chłodu
  7. Moduł 6: Zaangażowanie lokalnych interesariuszy na przyjęcie programu THERMOS

Więcej informacji dotyczących programu szkoleniowego  i budowania potencjału w ramach projektu THERMOS oraz tego w jaki sposób możesz stać się trenerem THERMOS dowiesz się pisząc pod adres

THERMOS Training & Capacity Building Presentations

  1. Webinar 1: Energy mapping and modelling with THERMOS
  2. Webinar 2: Embedding THERMOS in your city
  3. Webinar 3: Optimising thermal planning with THERMOS

Watch webinar recordings on our THERMOS YouTube channel here.

THERMOS City Case Studies

Download our THERMOS City Case Study Report designed to support cities in embedding the THERMOS tool in their local energy planning processes. THERMOS cities Jelgava (LV), Warsaw (PL), Granollers (ES), Cascais (PT), Alba Iulia (RO), Berlin (DE), London and Islington (UK) share their experiences to support replication by other local authorities. The report includes initial guidance on modelling case studies with the THERMOS Tool and describes, amongst others, the most relevant case studies selected by each of the cities, the stakeholders involved, the inputs included, the results obtained, and the conclusions reached.

THERMOS Baseline Replication Assessment Report

Download the THERMOS Baseline Replication Assessment Report, mapping out and assessing the national and local framework conditions for a successful adoption of the THERMOS software model in THERMOS cities.

Full report in pdf here. For chapters on individual cities visit our city profiles here.

THERMOS software brochure

Also available in the following languages: DA  ES  LV  RO  PL  PT  DE  CA

THERMOS Pitch Book 

Better Planning for better results with THERMOS - Advance your thermal district energy planning and support the decarbonisation of heating and cooling in towns and cities across Europe with the THERMOS pitch book.

The THERMOS pitch is supporting THERMOS Ambassadors, Partners, Trainers, Users and other stakeholders in presenting the THERMOS tool and highlighting the importance of heating and cooling for the local (and European) energy transition to a broader audience. Supported by facts and figures on air quality, energy efficiency and state-of-the-art energy planning with the THERMOS software, the pitch is compiles all the arguments needed to adopt THERMOS for optimising district energy in your city.

Download the presentation in EN, DA, DE, ES, LV, RO, PL, PT, CAT.

* If you want to use this presentation, reference and credit the THERMOS H2020 project and indicate any changes you made to the original text or pictures. 

THERMOS Innovation Catalogue

Download the full Innovation Catalogue with all 14 case studies as a pdf in EN here.

Skim through a teaser with a selection of cases below.

Academic publications

Marko Aunedi, Antonio Marco Pantaleo, Kamal Kuriyan, Goran Strbac, Nilay Shah,
"Modelling of national and local interactions between heat and electricity networks in low-carbon energy systems", in Applied Energy, vol 276, 2020.

Steffen Nielsen, Jakob Zinck Thellufsen, Peter Sorknæs, Søren Roth Djørup, Karl Sperling, Poul Alberg Østergaard, Henrik Lund, "Smart Energy Aalborg: Matching End-Use Heat Saving Measures and Heat Supply Costs to Achieve Least Cost Heat Supply", vol 25, 2020.

Lars Grundahl, Steffen Nielsen, "Heat atlas accuracy compared to metered data", vol 23, 2019.

Kamal Kuriyan, Nilay Shah, "A combined spatial and technological model for the planning of district energy systems", International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, vol 21, 2019.

X. Zhang, G. Strbac, N. Shah, F. Teng and D. Pudjianto, "Whole-System Assessment of the Benefits of Integrated Electricity and Heat System," in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1132-1145, Jan. 2019.

K. Kuriyan and N. Shah, "A  combined  spatial  and  technological  model  for  the  planning  of 
district energy systems
," in International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, vol. 21, pp.111-131, 2019.

THERMOS Leaflet (pdf) DA  ES  LV  RO  PL  PT DE

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